Our Partners
''No man is an island, Entire of itself, Every man is a piece of the continent, A part of the main.''
- John Donne
Tax Pooling
Sick of paying your tax when IRD demand it? Then start using tax pooling! Tax Management NZ (TMNZ) provides an IRD-approved service that gives small businesses greater flexibility to do tax on their terms by letting them choose how and when they make their income tax payments. Click here for more info, or contact us.
EpsomTax.com Limited is a TMNZ Premium Partner.

Real Estate Agents
We work closely with Mike McColl at International Realty. Whether you're looking to sell your property or add to your portfolio, your first port of call should be Mike.
Mobile: 021 418 052
Freephone: 0800 444 126
Morgage Advisors
Sadly, we see too many poorly structured mortgages. That's why you need to talk to The Mortgage Lab before you buy, sell or refinance your next property! They have a highly experienced team, all over NZ. There's a specialist near you! Contact the team on 0800 552 266 or via their webpage

EpsomTax.com recommends Audit Shield accountancy insurance. Audit Shield provides cost-effective protection and assistance against the substantial cost that may be incurred should Inland Revenue or other New Zealand government authority conduct a random audit, enquiry, investigation or review. Contact us for more info.
Property Managers: Short-Stay Accommodation
For management of your short-stay accommodation e.g. BookaBach, Airbnb etc, go no further than TheStayHub. They can help with maintenance, cleaning, marketing, pricing - you name it. Contact info@thestayhub.co.nz or phone 093030302
Property Managers: Residental
We recommend a couple of property managers, selected for their willingness to go the extra mile for clients. For Auckland, Wellington or Christchurch, we recommend Ironbridge Property Management
Property Managers: Commercial
Financial Advisors
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Contact Details
Phone: 0800-890-132
Email: support@epsomtax.com
Fax: +64 28-255-08279
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